Another, unusual rush of medication and substance maltreatment in Indonesia has left individuals stressed and totally tongue-attached because of the degrees young people go to in order to get high. As per reports, it was comprehended that an extensive number of merrymakers have swung to boiling sanitary pads in order to get a transitory surge or get high.
New method teenagers use to get high revealed, it involves sanitary pads
According to reports, the kids have adopted this peculiar habit as it is a cheap and readily accessible source of stimulants. The drug users boil either used or unused sanitary towels then proceed to gulp down the drink which has been described as bitter but highly effective.
Indonesian youth boiling sanitary pads to get high
They then feel like they are flying and often tend to hallucinate after partaking in the unusual hallucinogen. The drug users boil either used or unused sanitary towels then proceed to gulp down the drink which has been described as bitter but highly effective. Some have even gone as far as boiling diapers and drinking the liquid. A teen who is a loyal user of the new drug said the pad first needs to be unwrapped then dipped into boiling water.
Indonesian youth boiling sanitary pads to get high
It is then left to cool after which the sanitary towel is squeezed till all the liquid pours out of it. The teens then proceed to drink the water which leaves them inebriated. “The used pads they took from the trash were put in boiling water. After it cooled down, they drank it together,” Senior Commander Supinator head of the Indonesian National Drug Agency, BNN.
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