Every girl needs a no makeup day.
Your Face Needs To Rest: The face just like the rest of your body needs to rest, needs to breathe, needs to take a break from the hustle. The layers and layers of powders and substances that your face has to accommodate everyday is super crazy and you need to give it a rest day. Also, so you don’t break out.
Proper Care: Sometimes we have the makeup to hide all the blemishes, pimples and acne (yes we do!) and we forget to take a step back and make sure our face is actually in order. Sometimes it is done as on oversight and then you just don’t feel the need at the end of the day.
Confidence Booster: You know how some ladies don’t feel good when they leave the houses without their purses or they forget something really important at home? That has become the same for lipsticks, eyeliners, mascaras and foundation. Ladies don’t feel complete without it, it’s like their day is just going to go plain bad with out Ruby Woo.
Avoid Alteration: Social media has unleashed the world of divas on us. With the highlighters and all the extra filter we get, we become unrecognizable and that is a bad thing ( our male counterparts have complained).
It’s like they cannot recognize you without your face on and hat’s not your face. Your face is what lies beneath it all.
Balance: You need that balance in your life. The balance between the diva and the everyday girl. You don’t necessarily have to look like The Next Door Girl all the time.
Sometimes looking as simple as you can is all the makeup you need in the world.
So there you go. Surprise the people around you and have a no makeup day. Don’t forget to share the comments and stares you might get.
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